Saturday, December 22, 2012

Safety of Women in India

Very disturbing language used, Reader Discretion advised.

India is a country which enjoys reality life voyeurism. Indian men start their sexual overtures from their immediate family. Most of the Indian girls are molested by their uncles and cousins. What kind of safety these animals will provide to women? It will feel like a shock to some but it is true that most Indian men, youngsters, adults and elderly alike are voyeuristic and eye women in and around the house as an object of satisfying their sexual appetite. These could be young girls, teenage cousins, little sisters, sister-in-laws, visiting relatives even house-maids. Indian men are brought up on a steady dose of pornography and adult literature littered with pornographic images. This kind of perverse exposure creates a distorted image of women in the minds of men. When they grow up they look at and approach women only to get their hands on one and later boast among their friends what they did as if telling the story of an adult film. Girls are used and abused as an object. So many times girls are lured on internet and taken on a date by a youngster and molested even raped and sometimes worse gang raped. 

It is high time that women stop being the puppet at the hands of men. Today, Women need to Stop depending on their brothers, fathers, cousins, bfs, husbands, in laws etc. for safety and take their own safety in their own hands. During high school & College Girls should join NCC which will give them training to use firearms and they will gain confidence and discipline. They spend a lot of time on internet, why not watch some videos on safety for women. They should invest time and a little money to learn self defence against unarmed and armed assailants. Only knowing to defend yourself makes you safe. Watching videos on "Krav Maga" will help greatly. I understand that household chores require a lot of energy, same amount of energy if channelised properly can defeat a group of men. Praying is for the week, awakening and taking control of things is for the strong.

Wake up women of India, you need to be strong before something happens. After something has happened there is no use of talking to newspapers or TV who just want juicy sexy voyeuristic story to sell their Print area / Airtime. Better Safe than Sorry. Today educate yourself and others, spread the word that there is no safety outside unless there is a strong will inside each and every female. Buy Pepper Spray, Keep a small knife in the handbag and more importantly learn to use these items. Learn about the soft points on male body learn how to attack if attacked. This blog is not promoting violence but promotes actions for prevention of a heinous act.

Keep yourself safe, do not hesitate to confront the offender be it your cousin or uncle or a roadside Romeo. Most of the time a strong look straight in the eyes will scare the crap out of some men. 

Jai Hind.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Risk if cutting down mountains for roads

First of all I would like to state that I am writing this blog on the basis of my personal observations. I am no scientist but I studied science and have keen interest in science in everyday life. I can not help observe the construction work going on at Qurm Heights, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. There are two construction sites, one is near Lulu Darsait and the other one along the winding road that leads to Qurm. At the Lulu side the construction is basically targeted at widening the over-bridge by constructing an extra lane to ease traffic. Whereas at the Qurm heights side, the construction is to extend the road by adding an extra lane, which is possible only on the outside which is along the mountain. The mountain had already been chiselled to make the current road and is being further carved in order to accommodate the new lane.

The mountains on both sides of the road are very high and there are two distinct parts to these, one is the top  portion, that is pale yellow colour which seems to be porous earth rock and the base is a more metallic solid rock structure which is dark grey brown in colour. The same colour are the mountain in and around Darsait, Darsait Beach area and Mutrah. If observed closely it seems as if the yellow mountains were pushed upwards by the grey brown rock from beneath due to tectonic activity. The grey rock looks as strong as metal and one can trust it is not going to crumble down itself, on the other hand the yellow rocks seem to be not so solid and the mountains have lost considerable chunks of these rocks gradually. There are small landslides, if one may call these that, all over the mountains.

Now comes the disturbing part, I am not a geologist but I can not help observe that the mountain structure is such that the top brittle mountain seems have a solid rock structure. The engineers presently are planning to cut at the same grey brown solid rock in order to accommodate an extra lane. It is equivalent to carving out a building's foundation. The angles at which the mountain had been carved previously are precarious to say the least. Adding to that if the engineers are going to cut more, it is going to leave a sheer drop from high up the mountain right till the road. This may look interesting to a rock-climber as a challenging task but for a road user, it would mean more "falling rocks" signs and worse. Second things that is causing trouble in my mind is that there is the resonance factor. For the uninitiated reader, resonance is when vibration of one thing causes another to vibrate in unison with the first. We observe sometimes that the window ACs sometimes cause a very disturbing hum if there are a number of these working at the same time, that is due to resonance. Another example is sometimes two vehicles travelling neck to neck start to resonate and you seem to hear two engine sounds. If given to a scientist, she can bring down a building or a bridge with something as little as a tuning fork!! The vehicles moving on the mountain road at Qurm heights create resonance and the mountain vibrates with that, though very little. But the effects are clearly visible for all to see. There are loose rocks which seem to have crumbled from the top through the crevices. It creates stir in me when I observe these rocks imagining if some more were to follow from the top where already the tips are forming wicked shapes.

Where I live in Darsait I have a building size brown rock next to my building and a towering yellow mountain in the west, the brae of which is very steep.  My building is located right below the highest point at Qurm Darsait road just below the parking & a small park. The mountain is daunting but again made of the yellow stone and it certainly has some portions which have crumbled in the past. I observed all this in the last few days and today as I drove back from work. The traffic was thick and I had the chance to have a long hard look at what is going on. As I woke up in the middle of the night to have a drink of water, I felt suddenly afraid for my family and all the other families those are staying in the vicinity. I know my heart might be exaggerating but a wise person once said that is it better to be afraid. I am afraid and I will not sit quietly until these are allayed.